Does old coffee lose caffeine

  • By: Rob
  • Date: November 6, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.
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Is your coffee starting to get old? If so, you may be wondering if it is losing caffeine. Many people have asked this question over the years, and there are some mixed answers out there. For example, many people say that once coffee gets past two weeks old, it doesn’t have any caffeine left in it. So, does old coffee lose caffeine?

The amount of caffeine in coffee does not change with time. The amount of caffeine in coffee is determined by the variety of bean, the roast, and the brewing method. Coffee can lose its flavor over time but not caffeine content.

However, even if the coffee still has caffeine, it will not taste good. Let’s look at why coffee gets old and what you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen as often.

Does old coffee lose caffeine

It’s worth noting that, coffee beans naturally have caffeine, but some people think that old coffee beans lose their caffeine over time, but this isn’t actually true.

Caffeine is a very stable compound and it doesn’t degrade easily. In fact, if old coffee beans are roasted correctly, they will have just as much caffeine as fresh beans.

Another thing is that caffeine won’t evaporate either. So if you leave your old coffee out, the caffeine will still be there when you come back to it.

coffee with coffee beans

There are a few things that can happen to old coffee, but caffeine isn’t one of them. The flavor might change over time, and it might become stale or moldy.

But the caffeine content will stay the same. So if you have old coffee beans or old coffee that’s been left out, don’t worry – you can still drink it, and you’ll still get a caffeine buzz.

Because caffeine has such an impact on your brain chemistry, you should not take too much into your system, or else unpleasant side effects may happen like jitteriness, restlessness, and sleep problems.

If you want to know what will happen if you drink expired coffee, then check this out.

How long does caffeine from coffee last

Coffee beans are naturally rich in caffeine, so the caffeine from coffee starts to wear off after about 5-6 hours. However, it can last up to 10 hours depending on the person’s metabolism and how much caffeine they ingested.

It is important to note that caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it causes people to urinate more often. This can lead to dehydration if someone does not drink enough water to compensate for the increased urination.

Learn more about how long does it take to digest coffee, some interesting facts are revealed!

This means that if you drink an espresso at noon then another at 11:30 pm, you will still have 50% of the first dose remaining around midnight instead of 25%. However, even after 24 hours, there would be little left (about 12%).

To add to this, coffee beans lose their flavor and potency after roasting, which is why they are ground up before brewing.

You might also be interested in, how long brewed coffee stays fresh. Although an old pot of coffee won’t lose caffeine content, it will lose its freshness.

Do old coffee beans lose caffeine

The answer to that question is yes, the caffeine content does decrease as the coffee beans age. The rate of decrease in caffeine content depends on a few factors such as storage conditions, the variety of coffee beans, and how its roasted.

However, even under optimal storage conditions, the caffeine content in an aged coffee bean will be lower than that of a fresh bean. Aged coffee beans are still safe to consume, but they may not give you the same caffeine kick that a fresh bean would.

Dark Roast Coffee

Therefore, if you have any old coffee beans lying around, it’s best to use them soon or discard them altogether. Otherwise, you may not get the desired caffeine boost from your cup of joe.

The rate at which caffeine is lost in coffee beans is also highly dependent on the roasting process. Darker roasts typically have less caffeine than lighter roasts, because some of the caffeine is burned off during the roasting process.

Does reusing coffee grounds reduce caffeine

Many people reuse coffee grounds at least once. As a result, they believe that the caffeine content in old coffee has decreased, but this is not true.

Some findings show a reduction of up to 38% after 120 days with green coffee or a 77% increase of volume after 30 minutes of the brewing cycle due to the release of CO² gas caused by the degradation of trigonelline.

However, there is no significant loss of caffeine when you reuse coffee grounds.

However, some findings show a reduction of up to 38% after 120 days with green coffee or a 77% increase of volume after 30 minutes of brewing cycle due to the release of CO² gas caused by the degradation of trigonelline.

Does caffeine last in the fridge

This is going to depend on the quality of your coffee and how it is stored. The fresher, the better, generally speaking.

Suppose you store it in an airtight container with a lid that fits securely (i.e., no space for moisture to sneak in). For example, an airtight jar (Amazon link) like this one works well.

I wrote an article on Can you refrigerate coffee, worth checking out if you want to know more.

Coffee beans are porous, and they will absorb other flavors in the refrigerator if you leave them out; even worse, moisture can also get into the coffee beans, which hurts the taste of your cup o’ joe.

coffee in the fridge

If you don’t want any changes to take place at all (even though there’s nothing wrong with change), then keep your ground or whole bean coffees stored in an air-tight jar container (Amazon link) away from light and heat sources for no more than eight.


To conclude; does old coffee lose caffeine? If coffee is left out for an extended period of time, its potency can deteriorate and begin to break down.

The longer the coffee is left in the pot, the more caffeine is lost to evaporation. Furthermore, if you do not consume the coffee in its entirety, the majority of its flavor and caffeine content will be lost.

Coffee that has been left out for 24 hours begins to degrade due to oxidization.

Many factors influence the amount of loss that occurs each day or hour, including temperature, humidity, oxygen exposure/the container used (which leaves the coffee beans exposed), and so on.

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