Can You Drink Coffee After Teeth Whitening

  • By: Rob
  • Date: November 6, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.
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Imagine you just spent an hour at the dentist’s office having your teeth whitened. You’re feeling excited to show off your pearly whites and head to your favorite coffee shop for a celebratory latte.

But then you remember that coffee is known to stain teeth. What are you supposed to do now? Can you drink coffee after teeth whitening?

It’s generally ok to drink coffee after teeth whitening, but it’s best to wait at least 48 hours. This gives the whitening gel time to fully penetrate the tooth enamel and achieve optimal results. Any dark-colored beverages like coffee or wine can potentially preserve the stains on your teeth.

There are also a few things you can do to minimize the risk of staining your teeth after whitening.

We’ll take a closer look at the link between coffee and teeth whitening, and we’ll discuss some tips for avoiding any adverse effects. Read on to learn more!

Can you drink coffee after teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that can make your teeth look brighter and more uniform. While the effects of teeth whitening are usually immediate, they are not permanent.

To maintain your brighter smile, you’ll need to avoid foods and drinks that can cause staining. This includes coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored fruits and juices.

This gives the whitening gel time to set and prevents any new stains from forming. If you drink coffee after teeth whitening, you may notice that your teeth start to look yellow or stained again.

This is because the coffee can penetrate the tiny pores in your teeth, depositing pigment that can dull your smile.

Teeth whitening

I also recommend avoiding smoking after teeth whitening. The nicotine in cigarettes can also cause staining.

If you must drink coffee or smoke after getting your teeth whitened, be sure to brush your teeth after coffee. This will help remove any residual pigment and help keep your teeth looking their best.

How long after teeth whitening can you drink coffee

If you’ve just had whitening treatment, you’ll need to wait at least 48 hours before drinking coffee. This is because your teeth are more porous immediately after treatment and more likely to absorb staining agents.

The whitening treatment process opens up the pores in your teeth so that the whitening agent can penetrate and remove any deep-set stains.

Once the treatment is complete, your teeth will gradually re-absorb calcium and other minerals, which helps to close the pores.

If you drink coffee before the pores have had a chance to close, the coffee can penetrate the teeth and cause stains on your teeth.

That’s why it’s important to wait at least 48 hours after whitening before you drink coffee or any other dark-colored beverages.

At-home teeth whitening kits typically use a weaker bleaching agent than in-office treatments. However, it’s still best to wait at least 48 hours to give the whitening gel time to work its magic.

What happens if I drink coffee after teeth whitening

Drinking coffee after teeth whitening can cause the teeth to become discolored again. The bleaching agents in the whitening treatment can make your teeth’s surface change, making them more porous. This way, your teeth will absorb the coffee’s color (and other stains) more easily.

Coffee is a strong stain agent, and it can quickly penetrate the tooth enamel, making your teeth appear yellow or discolored.

This is because coffee contains tannins, which are a type of pigment. Tannins can bind to the tooth enamel and temporarily make teeth appear more yellow.

The acidity in coffee can also erode the tooth enamel, making your teeth more susceptible to staining.

Additionally, drinking coffee after teeth whitening can cause the bleaching agents to become less effective.

This is because the coffee can wash away the bleaching gel from your teeth, making it more difficult for the gel to penetrate your teeth and Whiten them.

Can I drink coffee through a straw during teeth whitening

Drinking coffee through a straw can help minimize the amount of coffee that comes into contact with your teeth. This can help reduce the risk of staining.

One way to help minimize staining is to drink coffee through a straw. This allows the coffee to bypass your teeth and go straight to the back of your throat.

Coffee with straw

As a result, your teeth are less likely to come into contact with the staining agents. The straw also helps to keep the coffee from touching your gums. This can help reduce sensitivity and irritation.

To get the most benefit from using a straw, be sure to choose a wide-mouth straw that fits snugly into the opening of your cup.

This will help prevent spillage and minimize the amount of coffee that comes into contact with your teeth.

How long do teeth pores stay open after whitening

The pores in your teeth will remain open for about 48 hours after whitening. The process of teeth whitening opens up the pores in your teeth so that the bleaching agent can penetrate and remove any deep-set stains.

In order for the bleaching agent to work effectively, it needs to be in contact with your teeth for a prolonged period of time.

The pores temporarily open up so that the bleaching agent can do its job, and then they close back up once the process is complete.

The active ingredient in whitening treatments is typically hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These bleaching agents work by breaking down into oxygen molecules, which then penetrate the pores of the teeth and break up any staining molecules.

The oxygen molecules also help to remove any surface stains on the teeth. Over time, the oxygen molecules will dissipate and the pores will return to their normal size.

What can I drink after teeth whitening

For the first few days after whitening, your teeth will be more susceptible to staining, so it’s best to take extra care to avoid anything that could cause them to become discolored.

You should avoid drinking any dark-colored beverages, such as coffee, tea, or red wine. These can quickly cause your teeth to become stained. You should also avoid smoking, as this can also lead to discoloration.

I’ll list a few safe drinks that you can have after teeth whitening:

  • Water: This is the best option, as it will help to rinse away any residual bleaching agents and keep your teeth clean.
  • Clear juices: Choose juices that are light in color and won’t stain your teeth. Avoid any dark juices, such as grape or cranberry juice.
  • Smoothies: Smoothies made with light-colored fruits are a good option. Be sure to avoid any that contain dark-colored berries, as these can stain your teeth.
  • White wine: If you’re looking for an alcoholic beverage, white wine is a good option. Avoid red wine, as this can quickly stain your teeth.
  • Coconut water: This is a hydrating option that’s also low in acidity, so it won’t damage your tooth enamel.
  • Skim milk: Milk is a good source of calcium, which can help to strengthen your teeth.

These are just a few suggestions for what you can drink after teeth whitening. The golden rule is to avoid anything that could potentially stain your teeth.

This includes dark-colored beverages and acidic drinks. Stick to clear or light-colored drinks.


It’s a common question – can you drink coffee after teeth whitening? The answer is of course you can, but there are certain things you should keep in mind to avoid staining your teeth.

It’s important to avoid staining foods and drinks for at least 48 hours. This means that you should avoid coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored juices and sodas.

After the initial 48-hour period, you can resume your normal diet, but be sure to brush your teeth after eating or drinking anything that could potentially stain your teeth.

For best results, try to limit your intake of highly pigmented foods and drinks. And of course, always practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing regularly.

With a little care, you can keep your teeth looking bright and sparkling for a long time to come.

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